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Baltics' coffee-making habits are changing along with global trends

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The events of the last six months have had a significant impact on people's lives, but citizens have not given up the joy of drinking coffee at home. Choosing suitable coffee-making tools and quality coffee, everyone can enjoy a cup of perfect cappuccino, strong espresso or cold coffee.

Coffee innovations at home

Every year, the world offers a wide range of coffee drinking innovations. Their popularity is facilitated by social networks, which significantly affect the coffee consumption culture. There are thousands of photos of creative ways to make coffee. They are very popular among young people because they constantly roam the Internet and want to try out a wide variety of innovations. The Baltic States are also not behind the world's coffee fashion. Consumers usually want to make their favorite coffee at home. This is particularly relevant now that many combine office work and long-distance work – it is important for them to maintain pleasant work week habits, such as coffee breaks.

"Coffee producers keep track of coffee trends to meet consumers' needs and offer them new flavours. This year we launched Nescafé's black roast soluble coffee. For its production, special beans are selected, the unusual characteristics of which are revealed in the process of roasting. Dark roasted coffee is one of the most popular choices in Starbucks around the world and can now be simply cooked at home. To please gourmets, we have also introduced cold coffee capsules, so this summer many could enjoy an easy-to-prepare coffee cocktail with crushed ice or a coffee drink based on this year's popular dalgon recipe," says Milda Žemaitiene, Coffee Sales Manager at Nestlé Baltics.

Capsule coffee machine time

A study of coffee consumption habits carried out by the research company Nielsen shows that more and more consumers in the Baltic States are drinking capsule coffee. The popularity of this type of coffee is determined by the fact that capsule machines greatly simplify the process of preparation, besides, coffee capsules of different aromas retain the freshness of coffee and provide a balanced taste.

"Now more and more coffee lovers are abandoning the habit of drinking ground coffee and opting for a more convenient and high-quality way of making coffee with a capsule machine. This ensures extremely simple and convenient coffee making. When the drink is prepared, the coffee grounds remain in the capsule, so it does not take much time to service the coffee machine. Since the choice of coffee capsules is wide, now everyone can find the favorite type of coffee or coffee drink, which will be easy to prepare at home," says Nestlé Baltics coffee sales manager.

Soluble coffee has found a bunch of lovers

A few decades ago, the myth wandered around that soluble coffee is not a natural product, so for a long time it was believed that the quality of soluble coffee was lower than that of ground coffee. Now more and more people are interested in trends, looking for information on the Internet and know how to recognize quality soluble coffee.

"We have noticed that soluble coffee is often chosen by younger people. Soluble coffee is made exclusively from coffee beans and has not been accompanied by any additives. Consumers like it because of the simple cooking process. In addition, it is an indispensable basic necessity when you travel or rush," says Milda Žemaitiene. When adding ordinary or vegetable milk, sweet cream or syrup of choice to soluble coffee, you can always find new combinations of flavors. It can be enjoyed until the last sip, without fear of thick sediment.

Nielsen conducted a survey of coffee consumption habits in the Baltic States from 2 to 12 April 2019. A total of 4800 respondents were interviewed, 1600 in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.