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Nestlé announces long-term targets by 2020. These objectives are part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals



Nestlé publishes a paper on global targets for 2020. In it, one of the world's largest food producers has set ambitious long-term targets. In setting these goals, the company is committed to implementing the United Nations-approved "Sustainable Development Goals by 2030".

Three long-term objectives of Nestlé:

  • help the €50 million the world's children to live healthily;
  • improve livelihoods of €30 million areas of the population directly related to the activities of the enterprise;
  • achieve zero environmental impact in business processes and production.

Nestlé will continue to pursue its objectives by helping the three groups that feel the greatest influence: individuals and families, nations, the planet.

Recently, one of the world's largest food producers announced that it commits to reducing the amount of sugar used in its products by an average of 5% per product by 2020. Thus, the company will use at least 18 thousand products sold in Europe. t less sugar.

You can get acquainted with all the goals of Nestlé in the published document "Nestlé" in society: Creating Shared Value and meeting our commitments 2016",which presents all 42 goals that the company plans to implement by 2020, as well as the progress already achieved and future ambitions.

Nestlé has also published its annual report "Nestlé's Annual Report for 2016".