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Games for cats: 4 tips for keeping cats healthy and happy at home

žaijianti katė

Playing for your cat is very important; from the age of the kitten to the age of the senior, he will like to bang, chase and attack various things! By the way, playing with a cat is one of the most pleasant benefits for those who have such a pet at home.

Experts from pet food manufacturer Purina offer a list of games that will enrich your cat's life, providing the necessary stimulation and strengthening your interconnectedness.

  1. Catch prey

When using a toy, imitate the movements of the game. Dragging the toy along the ground in a cuddle, stop every now and then, as an animal would – it will encourage the cat to sneak after and attack the prey, just as it would in the wild. This will allow the cat to accept speed and agility, as well as stimulate his hunting instincts. It is recommended to hide the toy when not playing with it to promote the cat's interest.

Žaidžianti katė
  1. Entertainment with cat mint

Hiding catmint , a medicinal plant, in a toy or ball (or buying a toy with already integrated cat mint) will increase your cat's interest in a toy. However, keep in mind that not all cats are attracted by the smell of catmint.

Žaidžianti katė 2
  1. Run and catch

Many cats like to play catching games or at least chase a thrown ball. Ball-shaped toys mimic fast, unpredictable game movements. Put a bell in the ball to get the cat's attention and roll or throw it so he can see it and chase it. Some cats react particularly well when rolling a ball or throwing it into another room or around the corner.

Žaidžianti katė 3
  1. Rotaļas ar ēdienu

Barotavas ar spēļu elementiem vai bumbiņas ar ēdienu ir rotaļlietas, kurās ievieto kaķu barību. Tās ritinot vai spaidot, kaķis vienā reizē var dabūt ārā tikai dažus barības gabaliņus. Izmantojot barotavas ar spēļu elementiem, tiek veicināta kaķa vēlme medīt un piepūlēties barības iegūšanai. Atceries, ka spēļu barotavā ievietotā barība ir jāņem vērā, nosakot kaķa dienas uzturdevas apjomu.


Mudini savu kaķi spēlēties vismaz 20 minūtes dienā, lai uzlabotu viņa fizisko formu. Rotaļu laiks kopā ar kaķi nav greznība – tā ir nepieciešama tava mīluļa veselībai un vispārējai labklājībai. Taču neatkarīgi no tā, kāda ir mājdzīvnieka personība, rotaļas nekad nevajag uztvert kā darbu. Esi radošs, izklaidējies un tas nāks par labu jums abiem!

Vairāk padomu un ieteikumu kaķu saimniekiem lasi Purina tīmekļa vietnē šeit.