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New Nestlé study shows the usefulness of potassium for people suffering from heart disease

The new study, recently published by scientists at nestlé research institute, found that potassium can prevent heart disease. This element is a wonderful remedy that can prevent hypertension or at least alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Scientists at the Institute in the Swiss city of Lausanne studied 15 earlier studies looking at the additional effects of potassium on both people with normal blood pressure and those with high blood pressure, but who still do not take anti-hypertensive drugs for one reason or another. It is the first such extensive study to reveal whether people suffering from hypertension can hope for the benefit of taking potassium supplements regularly.

The researchers' conclusions are unequivocal : the daily potassium dose of 3.51 grams per day recommended by the World Health Organization is a truly effective means of combating hypertension. Scientists at the Nestlé Institute emphasize that the necessary norm for potassium can be obtained by people eating more fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. In addition, the amount of potassium used as a dietary supplement can also be an effective remedy.

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