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Nestlé will no longer use caged hen eggs in its production

cage-free eggs


Nestlé has announced that by 2025, cage-housed hen eggs will stop being used in its products worldwide. This will apply to all eggs and egg products that Nestlé uses in the composition of its products: egg powder, protein, egg yolks, etc. In Europe and the US, Nestlé plans to move to eggs laid by hens living outside cages by 2020. In the countries of North and South America, the Middle East region, Africa and Oceania, eggs of caged hens will be abandoned by 2025. Depending on the circumstances and possibilities, such a transitional period is also planned in Asia. "Switching to eggs that are not laid in a cage requires time and investment. In some parts of the world, such as Europe, more than 40% of eggs are already produced from chickens reared on litter or free. In other regions, this commitment could require more challenges. In spite of this, however, we are committed to initiating positive changes with the help of our cooperation partners, " the Nestlé statement says. Sustainability and austerity are key to ensuring that only high-quality and affordable products continue to reach users during the implementation of this plan. Nestlé's main goal is to contribute to a healthier future by improving quality of life. This includes ensuring appropriate welfare standards for animals from which raw materials are derived for products manufactured by Nestlé.