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Conclusion of scientists at nestlé research institute: water improves the functioning and memory of the mind

Bottle Water

Scientists at the Nestlé Research Institute and the University of California have found that sufficient water consumed can improve cognitive function, memory and help to better focus attention. Therefore, it is advisable to remember to drink a sufficient amount of liquid that meets the body's needs every day.
Nutritionists and healthy lifestyle specialists constantly emphasize the importance of drinking enough
water. The benefits of water to the body, more precisely the functioning of the mind, have also been proven by scientists.
The Nestlé Research Institute, together with scientists from the University of California, tried to find out what the effect is on the body if the liquid is consumed too little, and what if –
sufficient. The impact of water on the cognitive function, ability to remember and focus attention in children aged 9-12 years was studied. Children who drink enough water during the day were found to perform better thinking tasks and memory promotion tests, so they can also achieve better learning outcomes.
study confirmed that drinking water benefits children's cognitive function", says Simona Ghetti,a scientist at the University of California, Davis, and co-author of the

The study involved 52 children aged 9 to 12 years. On different days, they were given to drink water in different quantities, studying how the amount of water drunk affects their ability to perform various cognitive tasks and tests. Researchers observed the hydration status of children by studying their urine samples and evaluating fluctuations in specific indicators.

The results showed that those children whose urine samples had less specific scores compared samples on the day of water drinking and on the day when water was not drunk performed much better on the day they received extra water to drink. This means that children who regularly consume sufficient fluids have better cognitive function, work better working memory and are able to focus attention better.