Nestlé's 2011 annual report for the creation of common values is valued at A+
Nestlé believes that in order to be successful in the long term, the company must create value for both shareholders and the company. We call it the creation of common values. When creating joint value creation reports, our intention is to transparently inform about the positive long-term impact of our company on society and how it is inexerable to ensure a successful business in the long term.
We have just issued a global review of common value creation describing our achievements and challenges in the areas most important to us – nutrition, water and rural development – as well as our activities related to environmental sustainability and compliance.This year, our review was rated A+, and we are proud to be the first global food company to receive
Our review addresses not only the target areas identified by the CSV, namely water, nutrition and rural development, but also the recently included areas of human rights, diversity, climate change, biodiversity and corruption.
You can read the full report on our website:
The summary of our review this year focuses on Nestlé's action to address water problems. The UN Global Treaty CEO Water Mandate has defined the structure of the Water section of the review and we describe our contribution in line with the key elements of the mandate (public order, joint action, direct actions, supply chain and public engagement).
You can read the summary of the report on our website: All nestlé common value creation materials, including photos, videos and case studies, are available on our website:
We hope that our review will seem exciting and informative to you. And we look forward to your comments and opinions!