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Nestlé Baltics: Latvians snack less than Estonians but more than Lithuanians between meals


Only 26% of Latvians do not snack among meals, which is less than in Lithuania, where 30% of survivors do not live, while in Estonia they are 24%, according to a study of eating habits of Nestlé Baltics.

The most popular time for snacks is between lunch and dinner, when they are enjoyed by 53% of latvians, 61% of Estonians and 50% of Lithuanians. In turn, the most popular snacks during the night are Lithuanians, who at the same time are less nascturing during the day. Respectively, 7% of Lithuanians, 6% of Latvians and 5% of Estonians snack at night.

The biggest snack lovers in Latvia and Estonia are 18– 25 years old, who are the most snacking between lunch and dinner, while in Lithuania aged 26–35. People aged 46–60 – 33% are the least snacks in Latvia, 27% of the population in Estonia, which is the same as in the age group 36–46 years, while in Lithuania the smallest snacks are in the age group 36 –46 years – 34%, but aged 36 –46 years 30% do not hatch at all.

A positive trend can be observed in the selection of the most popular snacks, because the most popular snacks in all Baltic states are fruits. In Latvia they are chosen by the least comparison with neighbouring countries – 70% of the population, while in Estonia they are 85%, but in Lithuania 81%. In Estonia and Lithuania, fruit is most often chosen between breakfast and lunch, but in Latvia between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, a study conducted by Nestlé Baltics shows.

Snacking with healthy snacks between meals is a very good habit, admits nutritionist Eva Kataja, adding that she would like to see an even higher proportion of people eating fruit and healthy snacks with reduced added sugar between meals.

The biggest sweets and chocolate lovers in the Baltics are Latvians, followed by Estonians and Lithuanians. Interesting statistics can be observed in Estonian chocolate eating habits, as chocolate is the second most popular snack at night – 52% of Estonians snack with chocolate at night.

Among them, the study says that the most popular drink to enjoy between meals in Latvia and Estonia is coffee, while in Lithuania it is tea.