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Nestlé offers more and more career opportunities to young people every year

Nestlé offers more and more career opportunities to young people every year

In today's labour market, it is not easy for young people to find work, so youth unemployment remains a pressing problem across Europe. To help address this problem, In 2013 Nestlé launched the Alliance for YOUthyouth employment initiative, which has become a global movement. The Alliance aims to provide career, learning and internship opportunities for young people, thus helping them to prepare for their professional work.

On 26 May, CV Clinics , one of Alliance for YOUth's most important annual events, took place in Riga, during which young people talked to nestlé Baltics managers and listened to their advice on how to successfully start working in the full labour market of competitors. Job interviews were simulated when meeting with specialists, and at the end of the event, young people were given an assessment and advice on what mistakes should not be made during the interviews.

"Good preparation for the job interview is one of the most important aspects of getting a job," says Diana Kundrotienė, Headof Human Resources at Nestlé. She adds that it is important to know the company's activities, values and mission during the interview. It is also important to be brief and clear, highlight your strengths and express the benefits that you can bring to the company.

Nestlé General Manager Daniel Meile reminds young people that it's important to prove during a job interview that you understand the values and principles system of your preferred workplace and are ready to become a messenger for the company, both at work and beyond. "During a job interview, you should prove that you are independent, have your own opinion and are able to make decisions, but you can also work as a team to achieve common goals," continues the General Manager.

The CV Clinics event is part of Nestlé Needs YOUth, a Nestlé Needs YOUthinitiative where the company is committed to changing the youth unemployment situation and providing them with valuable work and practical experience.