There is no country whose population does not waste food. The amount of food waste worldwide is shocking. The figures speak for themselves: the populations of developed countries waste as much food each year as they would have been enough to feed all the inhabitants of Sahara Africa, 222 million euros. Tonnes. Even in poor countries where there is a shortage of food, tons of food still go to waste. It is estimated that a third of the food produced worldwide is discarded, at 1.3 billion tonnes per year.
One such reason for food waste is the ill-considered consumption that characterises all developed countries. Nestlé, one of the world's largest food producers, recalls that everyone can contribute to more efficient food consumption and shares 8 simple recommendations on how to throw as little food as possible away.
The European Parliament resolution on the efficient use of raw materials and the reduction of food waste published this year highlights that households (53 proc.) and the recycling sector (19 proc.), slightly less gastronomy (12 proc.), first-time production (10 proc.) and wholesale (5 proc.) sectors account for the most food waste in the EU.
Nestlé seeks to reduce the amount of waste discarded in the production of foodstuffs to zero. By 2020, in order to reduce food waste in everyday life, the company plans to replace food labels to make this clear to every user.
Nestlé offers 8 recommendations on how to deal with foods so that as few of them as possible end up in
- Plan.
This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to combat food waste. Most often, people go to the store without planning a list of purchases in advance, and this contributes to the tendency to buy more unnecessary products that are not used up and end up being wasted.
- Use the freezer. If you have cooked too much food and are unable to eat it, you can freeze it and leave it for later use. It is also possible to freeze seasonal fruits, berries and vegetables. These products perish quickly, but at harvest it is not always possible to use them all.
- Storage temperature. It is essential to clarify at what temperature it is advisable to store the foods concerned. Products stored at an appropriate temperature will be usable for a much longer period of time.
- Cook more.
By cooking several dishes at once, you save more energy and water than you do each time you cook another dish. You can store the prepared lunch in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
- Portion control. Pay attention to what amount of food you and your family members eat. It is better not to tranship plates so that there are no leftovers, which are later most often simply thrown away.
- Know what's in the fridge.
Every time you go to the store, look in the fridge and understand what groceries you already have at home. People tend to forget what products they already have at home and buy more. Thus, so much is accumulated that it is impossible to use until the expiration date. In this way, food is thrown away the most.
- Donate to the Food Bank. If you see that you have too much food that you will not spend and will have to throw it away, donate to those who have less. Thus, you will have done a good job and the food will not be kept at home until the expiration date and finally thrown away.
- Compost.
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