In the fight against climate change, Nestlé commits to achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2050. Mark Schneider, Director General of Nestlé, points out that climate change is one of the greatest threats facing society. At the same time, they are also one of the highest risks to the future of the company's business, therefore it is necessary to take action to contribute to positive changes.
"The time reserves at our disposal to avoid the worst effects of global warming are running out, so we are setting bold targets: to achieve zero emissions." Nestlé"s path to zero emissions has already begun and in the future we will further intensify our efforts in this direction," says Mark Schneider.
Nestlé's new commitment for 2050 complements the company's activities already in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the company's chain of activity. For example, the company makes distribution networks and warehouses more efficient by optimizing routes that allow for reduced fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Over the past four years, greenhouse gas emissions at the company's major distribution centers have fallen by almost 40 percent.
Nestlé has also activated its activities in order to ensure a responsible supply of raw materials and has taken a major step towards zero rates of deforestation. Since 2014, the reduction of greenhouse gases throughout the company's operating chain has been estimated at EUR 1.2 million. car on the roads.
In addition, the company's new encirclement also includes the goal of the Paris meeting: to limit the earth's temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Over the next two years, Nestlé will develop an accurate plan and will try to reduce the temperature indicators to 1.5 degrees. In order to implement its commitment by 2050, Nestlé will implement:
- Faster product transformation, taking into account user trends and choices. Nestlé will release more products for sale, which have less environmental impact and contribute to the promotion of a balanced diet. This includes a wider range of plant-sourced foods, which users also want. In addition, the company will change the composition of its products and use more climate-friendly ingredients, as well as offer alternative packages.
- The expansion of agricultural initiatives to absorb more carbon dioxide. Globally, Nestlé will strengthen its programmes of cooperation with farmers to restore land and limit greenhouse gas emissions. The company will strive to protect forests more by restoring their plantings and expanding biodiversity. Farmers-oriented initiatives will also include more efficient management of the dairy supply chain.
- Nestlé will use 100 percent renewable electricity in its factories, warehouses and offices. Currently, a third, or 143 of the company's production ies, use 100% of the electricity to be updated. The company will continue to look to increase the use of energy from renewable sources.
It is important to understand that in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, change must take place on a global scale, including both industry, government representatives and society. Nestlé will therefore continue to support various initiatives in order to ensure that all sectors are moving more rapidly towards the target set.