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NAN piena maisījumi

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Choose a milk mixture tailored to your child's age.

NAN optipro plus 2 can

Follow-on formula NAN OPTIPRO Plus 2, from 6 months, 800g

The first follow-on milk mixture containing 2'FL-oligosaccharide with a structure such as breast milk, high quality OPTIPRO® protein, active strains of L. reuter bacteria such as breast milk, immune components (zinc*, iron*, vitamins A* and C* and DHA*.

NAN optipro plus 3 can

Milk mixture for children NAN OPTIPRO Plus 3 from one year of age, 800g

Milk formula intended for healthy infants from 1 year of age, containing a combination of high-quality OPTIPRO® protein, active L.reuteri bacteria cultures, immune components (zinc, iron, vitamin A and C), calcium and vitamin D3. Allows you to easily switch from breastfeeding to mixture.

NAN optipro plus 4 can

Milk mixture for children NAN OPTIPRO Plus 4 from two years of age, 800g

Milk mixture enriched with vitamins and minerals, for children from 2 years of age, forms only part of a varied diet. Talk to your doctor before selecting a specific mixture. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important for the health of the child.

NAN optipro 2 box

Follow-on formula NAN OPTIPRO 2, from 6 months, 800g

If your baby is no longer breastfed when he is 6 months old, choose the supplemental milk mixture NAN OPTIPRO® 2 with a new formula that will also be suitable for feeding!
Our product will provide the baby with the nutrients necessary for proper psycho-physical
development. High quality OPTIPRO® protein
obtained using a unique Nestlé technology based on years of experience and research on breast milk.

Tissue is formed from proteins, as

if from bricks,B. lactis
active B. lactis bacterial culture, such as breast milk.
DHA* – docosahexaic

acid polyunsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 family.

DHA supports the development of the baby's vision and brain**.

Immuno components zinc*, iron*, A* and vitamin C*, i.e. minerals and vitamins that have a positive effect on the functioning of the child's immune system.

Lactose sugar naturally found in milk.
It is a valuable source of energy and thus supports the development of the child. Also improves the absorption of calcium from food.
* content according to legal requirements / ** with a daily dose of 100 mg DHA in one or more

NAN optipro 3 box

Milk mixture for children NAN OPTIPRO 3 from one year of age, 800g

was created for children over 1 year of age. Their needs are still significantly different from those of adults, and NAN OPTIPRO® 3 will help provide babies with everything they need for healthy growth and development. The composition of the milk mixture shall consist of:

high quality OPTIPRO® proteins

active B. lactis bacterial cultures

immune components (zinc, vitamins A and C) that have a positive effect on the functioning of the child's immune system

NAN optipro 4 box

Milk mixture for children NAN OPTIPRO 4 from 2 years of age, 800g

intended for children over 2 years of age. They are still growing and developing intensively, and NAN OPTIPRO® 4 will help provide the substances that the baby's body needs every day. The composition of the milk mixture shall consist of:

augstas kvalitātes OPTIPRO® olbaltumvielas

aktīvās B. longum baktēriju kultūras

imūnokomponenti (cinks, A un C vitamīni), kas pozitīvi ietekmē bērna imūnsistēmas darbību


Svarīga informācija. Kad bērniņš piedzimst, labākais ēdināšanas veids ir zīdīšana. Mammas piens nodrošina mazulim sabalansētu uzturu un pasargā no slimībām. Mēs pilnībā atbalstām Pasaules Veselības organizācijas ieteikumus par mazuļa barošanu pirmajos sešos dzīves mēnešos tikai ar krūti. Pēc šī perioda ir svarīgi sākt ieviest papildinošu pārtiku ar atbilstošu uzturvērtību, vienlaikus turpinot zīdīšanu līdz bērna divu gadu vecumam. Mēs arī apzināmies, ka vecākiem ne vienmēr ir iespējas pabarot bērnu ar mātes pienu. Iesakām konsultēties par bērna uzturu ar veselības aprūpes speciālistu. Ja esat nolēmuši pārtraukt mazuļa barošanu ar krūti, atcerieties, ka šo lēmumu ir grūti mainīt - jauktas barošanas uzsākšana, samazinās saražotā piena daudzumu. Atteikšanās no zīdīšanas rada vērā ņemamas sociālās un finansiālās sekas. Ja esat nolēmuši barot savu mazuli ar krūti, vēlamies atgādināt, ka ir ļoti svarīgi, lai māmiņas uzturs būtu sabalansēts. Veselīgs uzturs grūtniecības laikā un pēc dzemdībām palīdz uzkrāt veselīgai grūtniecībai nepieciešamās uzturvielas, sagatavo laktācijai un palīdz to saglabāt. Bērni attīstās katrs savā tempā, tāpēc par papildinošas pārtikas ieviešanas laiku jākonsultējas ar ārstu vai vecmāti. Lai neriskētu ar bērna veselībai, ir svarīgi, lai bērna pārtika vienmēr tiktu gatavota, lietota un uzglabāta saskaņā ar informāciju uz iepakojuma.