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Nestlé joins World Environment Day initiative

Environment day

On 5 June, the world will once again celebrate World Environment Day. Various initiatives are being organised around the world to highlight the importance of nature and the stability of human activity. This year Nestlé joins the invitation to create the world's largest nature photo album, alongside the usual conservation measures.

The World Environment Protection Day initiative offers to capture the most beautiful natural landscapes in photos or video recordings. Share your favorite places of nature invites social sites with #WorldEnvironmentDay or #WithNature. All images will enter the biggest natural album in the world.

Ben, a spokesman for Nestlé's Corporate Communications Department, has already shared his images as part of a project unifying the world.

Nestlé, who lives and worked in Switzerland, told of his passion for cycling in a short video recording. At the same time, he does not forget to emphasize with which the people are special and captivating nature around Lake Geneva, next to which is built the headquarters of Nestlé.

Nestlé pays special attention to nature in its operations and strategy. The company has committed to using only renewable energy sources at the company's headquarters in Switzerland by 2020. In addition to the usual renewable energy sources, waves forming in Lake Geneva will also be used in production.